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ARRA Building Retuning


  • Fernandez NEP, Katipamula S, Wang W, and Xie YL. 2017. "Energy Savings and Peak Load Reduction Benefits from Building Controls Measures in Seattle, Washington." PNNL-ACT-10055, Richland, Washington. (PDF 4,055KB).
  • Fernandez NEP, Katipamula S, Wang W, Xie YL, Zhao M, and Corbin C. 2017. " Impacts of Commercial Building Controls on Energy Savings and Peak Load Reduction." PNNL-25985, Richland, Washington. (PDF 8,475KB).
  • Brambley, MR and S Katipamula, “Retuning Commercial Buildings: A Low-Cost Way to Improve Energy Performance,” ASHRAE Journal 51(10): 12-23 (October 2009). PNWD-SA-8654 (PDF 326KB).
  • Brambley MR, S Katipamula, and P O'Neill. 2009. "Diagnostics for Monitoring-Based Commissioning." In Proceedings of the 2009 National Conference on Building Commissioning, Seattle, WA. PNWD-SA-8612 (PDF 1,108KB).
  • Katipamula S, and MR Brambley. 2008. "Transforming the Practices of Building Operation and Maintenance Professionals: A Washington State Pilot Program." In Proceedings of 2008 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. American Council for Energy Efficient Economy, Washington, DC. PNWD-SA-8131 (PDF 145KB).


  • Katipamula, S. 2015. "Improving Commercial Building Operations thru Building Re-tuning: Meta-Analysis: Updated 2020." PNNL-SA-156277 (PDF 1,714KB).
  • Brambley MR. 2009. "Diagnostics for Monitoring-Based Commissioning." In Proceedings of the 2009 National Conference on Building Commissioning, Seattle, WA. PNWD-SA-8623 (PDF 924KB)
  • Brambley, MR. 2009. "An Overview of Commercial Building Re-Tuning." 2009 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, IL. PNWD-SA-8413 (PDF 276KB)
  • Brambley MR. 2009. "Using Wireless Solutions to Lower Costs in HVAC Performance." 12th Annual In-Building Wireless Solutions Conference, Las Vegas, NV. PNWD-SA-8579 (PDF 1,052KB).
  • Brambley, MR. 2008. "Smart Monitoring and Diagnostic System for Packaged Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps." Emerging Technologies Summit. PNNL-SA-62530 (PDF 783KB).
  • Katipamula, S. 2009. "Key Building Operational Faults and Their Correction." 2009 ASHRAE Winter Conference, Chicago, IL. PNWD-SA-8412 (PDF 359KB)
  • Katipamula, S. 2008. "Getting Energy Use (Cost) Under Control: Leveraging Building Automation Systems." 21st Annual E source Forum and Exhibits, Denver, CO. PNWD-SA-61730 (PDF 866KB).
  • Katipamula, S. 2008. "Transforming the Practices of Building Operation and Maintenance Professionals: A Washington State Pilot Program." 2008 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, CA. PNWD-SA-8274 (PDF 966KB).
  • Katipamula, S. 2008. "A Program to Transform Building Operation and Maintenance Practice In Washington State." WestCoast Energy Management Congress, Seattle, WA. PNWD-SA-8145 (PDF 1,133KB).

Building Re-tuning

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